Protecting Your Assets During Bankruptcy: How We Can Help

Legal bankruptcy documents from attorney explaining to their client how to protect your assets during bankruptcy in OR | OlsenDaines

Dealing with the possibility of bankruptcy or actually going through the process can be an extremely overwhelming situation for anyone. It is not uncommon for people to feel lost, anxious, stressed, and ashamed of their financial situation. 

At OlsenDaines, we understand how important it is for our clients to not only receive relief from their overwhelming debt but also to protect their hard-earned assets. That’s why we are here to assist you in navigating the complexities of how to protect your assets during bankruptcy.

Understanding Bankruptcy and Asset Protection

Most people file for bankruptcy due to job loss, medical debt, or divorce. Whatever the reason, our team of bankruptcy attorneys can help you navigate through this process and make sure that your assets are protected. One of the most significant concerns clients have is whether or not they will lose their assets if they file for bankruptcy. The answer is no, in almost all cases. We will work with you to protect your home, cars, retirement accounts, and other personal property. We are here to ensure that you keep the assets you value the most.

How to Stop Creditor Harassment

Another frequently asked question is whether bankruptcy will stop creditors from harassing and suing them. Again, the answer is yes. Once you file for bankruptcy, creditors are immediately notified through the federal court system and must immediately stop harassment, lawsuits, and any other form of collection of debts. We understand that the constant harassment can be troubling, and protecting our clients from continued harassment is a top priority for us.

Property Listing and Exemptions

As part of the bankruptcy process, you must list all of your property, both real and personal. This includes your home, vehicles, retirement accounts, and household goods and belongings. But there’s no need to worry – there are specific exemptions under state or federal law that protect your property throughout the bankruptcy process. We understand the nuances of federal bankruptcy law and will walk you through each step so that you understand how assets are protected and how a fresh start can help rebuild your life.

How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

Another question we commonly receive is whether or not filing for bankruptcy will affect future credit. While it is true that bankruptcy does affect credit scores, there are strategies we can use to mitigate any harm that may negatively impact your credit record. We can help you rebuild your credit score after bankruptcy and get back on track to a healthy financial future.

Contact Us for Help Protecting Your Assets During Bankruptcy  

The legal process of filing for bankruptcy and protecting your assets can be confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. At OlsenDaines, our experienced bankruptcy attorneys can help. We will provide you with the guidance you need to protect your assets and navigate through the process of filing for bankruptcy. We are here to help you receive a fresh start and rebuild your financial future. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to move past their debts and have a bright financial future.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and get started on the path to financial freedom.

Steps To Hiring a Lawyer For Student Loan Forgiveness

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For many people in the United States, student loans are a source of overwhelming financial stress. If you are struggling to repay your debt, a student loan attorney can help you – from reaching student loan forgiveness to lowering your monthly payments, a lawyer has the expertise needed to significantly reduce your financial burden.

However, if you are already struggling to make payments on your debt, the idea of spending even more money on a lawyer may feel overwhelming. To help you determine whether a student loan lawyer is right for you, here’s what you need to know about the costs (and savings) associated with student debt attorneys.

Why Hire a Student Loan Lawyer?

A student loan lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in the laws and regulations pertaining to student debt. They can provide guidance and representation to borrowers who are overwhelmed with their payments, facing predatory lending practices, or dealing with other debt-related problems. Student loan lawyers can help by:

  • Combatting predatory lenders: If you suspect you are the victim of predatory lending practices, an attorney can help hold your lender accountable. They know the ins and outs of consumer protection laws and can pursue remediation from unfair or illegal lending situations.
  • Negotiating settlements: An attorney can work with your lenders to make your debt more manageable. They may help lower interest rates, map out an achievable payment plan, and find other ways to help relieve the burden of your debt. 
  • Defending against lawsuits: In some circumstances, a private lender may take legal action against you. A student loan lawyer can help you navigate the situation and defend you in court for a more favorable outcome.
  • Navigating forgiveness programs: Many people don’t realize that they may qualify for a student loan forgiveness program. An attorney can examine your situation to help you find and qualify for student debt forgiveness.
  • Discharging student loans through bankruptcy: Depending on your situation, you may be able to discharge your student debt through bankruptcy. Thanks to new policy updates by the Department of Education, student loan forgiveness is more accessible using this approach than ever before.
  • Dealing with debt collectors: Debt collection agencies can be incredibly difficult to deal with. A lawyer will not only protect you against collector misconduct, but they can also handle communications to make your situation less stressful.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Student Loan Lawyer?

The cost of a student loan lawyer can vary significantly, often ranging between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. How much you will pay typically depends on which fee structure the lawyer uses. The most common fee structures include:

  • Hourly rates: When you pay the lawyer an hourly rate, it can be challenging to predict exactly how much their services will cost in total.
  • Flat fees: This is when you pay the lawyer a set amount for their services, which can be helpful if you want to know exactly how much their services will cost before starting.
  • Contingencies: This is where the lawyer is only paid if they reach a desired result. It is most commonly used for class action lawsuits.
  • Hybrid plans: A lawyer may charge both a flat fee and a contingency. Similar to a regular contingency, this is most common in class action lawsuits.

Can Hiring a Student Loan Lawyer Save Me Money?

Though hiring a student loan lawyer may seem costly, doing so could save you thousands of dollars in the long run. By relieving some – or all – of your student loans, they can drastically lower your monthly payments, help you combat wage garnishment, and overall make your debt more manageable. The money you invest in a student loan attorney today can certainly save you a lot in the future.

Get a Free Legal Consultation

Considering investing in a student loan lawyer, but want to learn more about the process or costs? Get a free legal consultation from the experts at OlsenDaines! For over 40 years, we’ve been representing residents in Oregon with the goal of educating, informing, and empowering our clients. Your financial recovery is our top priority, which is why we offer affordable rates and disclose all of our fees from the very beginning. If you’re ready to learn more or get started, call us today to schedule your consultation.